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Cybersecurity, UX Design, and SEO Documentation with Vivek Pattnaik, Technical Writer at Microsoft

Cybersecurity, UX Design, and SEO Documentation with Vivek Pattnaik, Technical Writer at Microsoft

Category: Podcast

Last updated on Jul 11, 2023

Vivek Pattnaik, Technical Writer at Microsoft, joins us in this episode of Knowledgebase Ninja Podcast to share his insights on writing highly-technical and SEO documentation on cybersecurity and information technology.

Key Facts

  • Vivek’s LinkedIn
  • Microsoft’s Website
  • Vivek is skilled in DITA, XMetaL, JIRA, CMS, and Confluence
  • Vivek has an engineer’s degree focused in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha
  • Vivek is also a toastmaster and an avid public speaker

Key Takeaways

  • Vivek always had a passion for writing, so he got a diploma in this particular field and started to work as a Technical Writer
  • Vivek writes about various technological and technical products. So, his degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering helps him better understand a product
  • Working for one of the biggest information technology companies like Microsoft requires you to follow the latest trends and constantly learn about them
  • In his role as a Technical Writer, Vivek mainly writes for Microsoft’s highly technical audience. So he has to be very accurate in information and details. At the same time, he addresses them in a friendly, open, and appealing style
  • One of the top trends that companies should focus on when documenting is heuristic analysis
  • When documenting, also focus on SEO to appear in the top Google results

Vivek’s biggest influence

  • Vivek’s first manager told him to focus on grammar because everything else you can learn on the go. Most technical writing trends change or pass, but having strong grammar is always necessary. 
  • Also, the team leader from Vivek’s last company constantly monitored, rectified, and helped Vivek improve his writing.


Key Resources

What documentation-related advice would Vivek give to his 20-year-old self?

Write whatever you have in mind. It doesn’t necessarily have to be technical or related to a field. Also, read a lot.

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Gowri Ramkumar

Jun 23, 2022